Yoga Aktuell 128 - 03/2021

SKU: 100228

Joy of life, a clear perception of the wonderful abundance that surrounds us and a conscious contact with the fire element - this and much more awaits you in the summer edition June/July!


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Joy of life, a clear perception of the wonderful abundance that surrounds us and a conscious contact with the fire element - this and much more awaits you in the summer issue June/July! In addition: Siddha medicine, Ayurvedic recipes and a practical part with which you can master the handstand step by step.

Yoga practice

Asana: Yin Yoga and the element of fire
The fire element has a very special magic. In the body, it corresponds to the yin and yang pair of heart and small intestine. Helga Baumgartner guides you through a harmonising practice for your fire energy

Pranayama - the heart of yoga
Part 10 of the series by Dr. Ralph Skuban. Ralph Skuban: The bandhas in the Kumbhaka of Brahmari, the "humming of the bees": three variations to try out

Asana: On to the handstand
Learn the handstand step by step with a spirit of discovery and joy - Lucie Beyer shows you a good preparation for the posture that many people (so far!) do not dare to do

yoga for back pain
Yoga is considered an effective method for the prevention and therapy of this widespread condition. However, yoga practice is not a blanket cure for the back, as a differentiated look shows. By Lisa Jaekel.

Spiritual life and yoga philosophy
Know the fullness of life
We are surrounded by abundance and sheltered in fullness - however, we often perceive only lack instead. How to develop an awareness that everything is actually there. By Ralf Schultz.

Repairing with gold - why you don't have to hide cracks and apparent "flaws", but beauty and meaning lie precisely in the non-perfect and in the traces of lived life. By Irene Dalichow.

Ten yogic tips for strengthening the immune system

How can you strengthen the immune system holistically and promote resilience comprehensively? Yogic principles, techniques and attitudes to life are a great support in building ojas, the vital force. By Ralf Schultz.

Small rituals for a powerful life
Do what you want - in awareness and love: What can support you in finding inner clarity and living your life with joy, self-responsibility and the joy of discovery. By Iris Disse.

Media and Spiritual Development
How our spiritual development is influenced by various media, and how you can consciously pay attention to a constructive approach, especially with modern digital media. By Florian Palzinsky.

The Upanishads today
The Upanishads - a bridge to today? Thoughts on the significant ancient wisdom texts that are part of the Vedic text corpus. By Karoline Wagemann-Hofer.

Crazy for God, Part 5
John of the Cross - Living Flame of Love. By Srila Devi.

Health and Nutrition

Impulses from Tibetan Medicine
Aleksej Zasuhin practices Tibetan Medicine. In an interview with YOGA AKTUELL, he explains why he considers the lack of exercise and nutrition of the past year to be momentous, and to what extent energetic overabundance is a decisive factor in our current problems. Interview: Dirk Engelhardt.

Siddha Medicine - India's Mysterious Art of Healing
Insights into one of India's oldest systems of therapy that has been little known in the West. By Dr. Roman Sieler.

Ayurveda in the home office - your start into an Ayurvedic life
This is how easy it is to integrate Ayurveda into everyday life: Tips and recipes for a healthy lifestyle despite a stressful working day. By Laura Krüger.

The Return of Vedic Knowledge
The philosopher and book author Armin Risi combines ancient knowledge and the latest findings as the basis for a spiritual-holistic science. In the YOGA-AKTUELL interview he talks about the meaning of the yugas, about prophecies and about the revelation of the wholeness of God. Interview: Doris Iding.

Advocate for dying well
Dorothea Mihm is a palliative care nurse with a spiritual home in Tibetan Buddhism. She spoke to YOGA AKTUELL about the strong attachment to the body in the West and about helpful preparation for death. Interview: Srila Devi.

Menstrual cycle awareness: the inner yoga of women
Two pioneers in the field of cycle awareness on the spiritual dimensions of menstruation, the need to go with one's own rhythm, and why cycle recognition is crucial for the health of the planet. Interview: Janine Schneider.

Breathing like the Iceman
Unusual times require us to break new ground. This is exactly what Wim Hof specialises in, who has become known as the "Iceman" with his resilience-promoting method that unlocks amazing potential. Interview: Yana la Fae.

Truly Living

As a representative of the Art of Living Foundation, Swami Jyothirmayah teaches meditation and breathing techniques worldwide. In the YOGA-AKTUELL interview, he talks about the sources of energy, joy of life and creative power, among other things. Interview: Nina Haisken.



Full moon meditations: the June full moon
Heart voice and integrity - following your heart leads you on the path of your destiny. By Wolfgang Bischoff.

Do and let be
By allowing unpleasant thoughts and feelings to be there without rebelling, we release ourselves from identification with them and create new space for the nurturing and constructive. By Doris Iding.


Travel Guide Mexico
Luxurious retreat centres and hip yoga studios next to ancient indigenous culture: the yoga scene in Mexico is colourful, modern and embedded in a country with rich cultural and spiritual traditions. By Anne Haack.

India's Sacred Plants, Part 3: The Neem Tree
Azadirachta indica is a fascinating medicinal tree whose health-giving properties have been known in India for over five thousand years. By Kevin Johann.


Tips and Trends
News from the yoga world. By Marita Voithofer, Eva-Maria-Kopel and Nina Haisken.

  • Gewicht: 0.334 kg

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