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Mund & Zähne

Mouth & Teeth

Make your oral and dental care efficient: The YOGISHOP offers various care products for a healthy oral cavity.

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  • Zungenreiniger aus Kupfer - YOGISHOP


    Copper tongue cleaner

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  • Zungenreiniger aus Edelstahl - YOGISHOP
    18% off


    Stainless steel tongue cleaner

    €3,29 €4,00
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  • Herbdent, Ayurvedische Zahncreme mit Xylitol + Calcium - YOGISHOP


    Herbdent, Ayurvedic toothpaste with xylitol + calcium

    €4,10 €51,25/l
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  • Herbdent, Ayurvedische Zahncreme mit Calcium - YOGISHOP


    Herbdent, Ayurvedic toothpaste with calcium

    €3,50 €43,75/l
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  • Herbdent, Ayurvedisches Zahngel ohne Fluoride, 80 ml - YOGISHOP


    Herbdent, Ayurvedic tooth gel without fluoride, 80 ml

    €3,50 €43,75/l
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  • Zungenschaber Edelstahl - YOGISHOP


    Tongue scraper stainless steel

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  • Zungenreiniger, rostfreier Edelstahl - YOGISHOP

    Maharishi Ayurveda

    Tongue cleaner, stainless steel

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  • Herbdent, Ayurvedisches Mundwasser, 160 ml - YOGISHOP


    Herbdent, Ayurvedic mouthwash, 160 ml

    €8,90 €55,63/l
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  • Zungenreiniger deluxe aus Edelstahl - YOGISHOP


    Deluxe stainless steel tongue cleaner

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  • Herbdent, Ayurvedisches Zahngel mit Xylitol, 80 ml - YOGISHOP


    Herbdent, Ayurvedic tooth gel with xylitol, 80 ml

    €4,10 €51,25/l
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  • Zahncreme Ayurdent classic, 75 ml - YOGISHOP

    Maharishi Ayurveda

    Toothpaste Ayurdent classic, 75 ml

    €5,49 €73,20/l
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  • Zahncreme Ayurdent mild, 75 ml - YOGISHOP

    Maharishi Ayurveda

    Toothpaste Ayurdent mild, 75 ml

    €5,49 €73,20/l
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  • Bio Mundwohl Ölziehkur, 200 ml - YOGISHOP


    Organic Mouthwell Oil Pulling Treatment, 200 ml

    €19,90 €99,50/l
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  • Zungenreiniger, versilbert - YOGISHOP

    Maharishi Ayurveda

    Tongue cleaner, silver plated

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  • Zungenschaber aus Kupfer - YOGISHOP


    Tongue scraper made of copper

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  • Herbdent, Ayurvedisches Zahngel für Kinder, 80 ml - YOGISHOP


    Herbdent, Ayurvedic tooth gel for children, 80 ml

    €3,95 €49,38/l
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  • Bio Atmewohl Maskenspray, 20 ml - YOGISHOP


    Organic Breathe Well Mask Spray, 20 ml

    €6,90 €345,00/l
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  • Herbdent, Ayurvedische Zahncreme, Reisetube, 24 g - YOGISHOP


    Herbdent, Ayurvedic Toothpaste, Travel Tube, 24 g

    €1,75 €72,92/kg
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  • Bio Zahnpulver - Ingwer, 45 g - YOGISHOP

    Eliah Sahil

    Organic Tooth Powder - Ginger, 45 g

    €10,49 €233,11/kg
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  • Bio Zahnöl Kurkuma, 100 ml - YOGISHOP

    Eliah Sahil

    Organic Turmeric Tooth Oil, 100 ml

    €13,45 €134,50/l
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  • Bio Mundöl, 100 ml - YOGISHOP

    Eliah Sahil

    Organic mouth oil, 100 ml

    €9,99 €99,90/l
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  • Pastillen für Frischen Atem, 10 g - YOGISHOP

    Maharishi Ayurveda

    Pastilles for fresh breath, 10 g

    €13,00 €1.300,00/kg
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  • Bio Mundwohl Mundspülung, 250 ml - YOGISHOP


    Organic Mundwohl mouthwash, 250 ml

    €9,90 €39,60/l
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  • Auromère Kräuter-Mundwasser Konzentrat, mentholfrei / homöopathieverträglich, 100 ml - YOGISHOP


    Auromère herbal mouthwash concentrate, menthol-free / homeopathy compatible, 100 ml

    €11,25 €112,50/l
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Ayurvedic tongue scrapers and toothpaste, mouth spray and more - you can find everything you need for comprehensive dental and oral care here. Oral and dental care should be thorough. The Ayurvedic daily routine (Dinacharya) includes the use of a tongue scraper, for example. And even though in India teeth were traditionally brushed with the branches of certain trees, there is now Ayurvedic herbal toothpaste for your toothbrush.

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