
SKU: 100217

The mid-summer edition is here!


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The Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Sukadev Bretz presents the contents of the important Hatha Yoga source text concisely and understandable - this time: the second chapter and its core statements about Prana

Asana: Sunset Salutation
Diana Schöpplein shows you a sunset flow as a yoga ritual for long summer evenings Summer evenings

The Pratice Space - Is it time for a new yoga practice?
Individual practice in a group setting: via an approach that promotes the ability to do Home practice. By Clemens Frede.

Asana: On the Towards the Hollow Back Forearm Stand
Dwayne Holliday shows you how to master the hollow-back forearm stand step by step - at your own pace at your own pace and with real joy in the practice

Embodied Yoga Principles
Off the mat, into life: The playful approach of Brit Mark Walsh links the physical physical yoga practice with an exploration of inner patterns. From Julia Johannsen.

Ayurveda for mental illness
The the comprehensive view of the human being enables Ayurveda to gain a deep Understanding of mental disorders, from which many treatment options can be derived can be derived. By Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede.

Help with heartburn
How you can prevent heartburn with the help of yoga and which measures help in acute Help with acute symptoms. By Lisa Jaekel.

Beautiful Blue Miracle
The Lavender is a classic in perfumery - but also a valuable medicinal plant Medicinal plant. By Irene Dalichow.

Summer cuisine, Indian inspired
Vegan Recipes for hot days: Chai ice cream and other delicacies. By Verena Frei.

Are you a Heart Chakra type?
The spiritual teacher, philosopher and author Shai Tubali has worked out personality types, each corresponding to one of the seven chakras. We present the heart chakra type. By Doris Iding.

The power of your heart

The Heart as the home of the soul and the seat of intuition - astonishing scientific scientific findings and ancient wisdom. By Nicole Wendland.

Equanimity and Serenity
... in yoga and politics - and why equanimity should not be confused with indifference or fatalism with fatalism. By Wilfried Huchzermeyer.

The Fulfilment of old longings
Are you too have been carrying a dream since childhood that has been denied to you? Maybe it's time to finally fulfil it. By Dirk Hessel.

Be rebels of peace
The dalai Lama's new appeal to the world: In it, the high spiritual leader addresses especially to the youth. By Doris Iding.

I will never leave you
never leave you
... is a promise that is often made to a new partner, but almost as often broken again broken again. This report shows to whom we should really say it This account of our experiences makes it clear. By Robert Henderson.

Swami Sivananda: How to develop virtues and overcome vices
Part 6: Forgiving forbearance - a cardinal virtue that is almost divine in nature Nature. By Tanja Zieger.

The great Silence
The Advaita teacher OM C. Parkin on the indescribable nature of the Great Silence and the Silence and the nature of true transformation

Ashtanga yogini with Enthusiasm and Devotion
The Indian Deepika Mehta on her practice, in which she combines discipline and clarity with flowing softness flowing softness, and about her special connection to Shiva. Interview: Marita Voithofer.

Yoga & Society: Yoga is political!
How Yoga promotes the power of people to shape society - Gudrun Kromrey in conversation with Nina Haisken.

My message is love
Message is love
Pari is not only a gifted bhakti musician, but also gives Advaita satsangs in the tradition of his teacher Papaji in the tradition of his teacher Papaji. He spoke to YOGA AKTUELL about, among other things the deep longing for God as the most important key to awakening. Interview: Marianne Scherer.

Visionaries Art from the Himalayas
Rupali Sharma gave up her big city life to devote herself to spirituality. In YOGA AKTUELL she tells us why she now lives in the Himalayas and how her inner journey is expressed in art Journey is expressed in art. Interview: Srila Devi.

A very ordinary ordinary enlightened woman
How do enlightened beings experience existence? YOGA-AKTUELL author Iris Disse found astonishing answers from the spiritual teacher Ranjita astonishing answers

Cliff Barber and the flower of life
The Search for Universal Truth led the yogi Cliff Barber into seclusion, where he tirelessly made drawings for decades. They bear witness to of pure mathematics, in which he sees the key to the longed-for truth to the truth he longed for. By Carl Borgen.

Development Cooperation, that makes a school
The Project "Gaiatreeschool" stands for intercultural encounters in the sign of Yoga and for schools based on a holistic-integral concept. By Marita Voithofer.

Dates, trends and News
Latest from the yoga world. By Nina Haisken & Marita Voithofer.

Experience the magic of the Sahara
In immersing oneself in the silence of the desert is a blessing. Finding fullness in emptiness and listen to the And listen to the essential - a trip to Morocco makes it possible. By Doris Iding.

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