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Be free with yoga - Release the Sisyphus in you and much more.

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Eine Matte = ein Baum

Für jede verkaufte YOGISTAR®-Yogamatte pflanzt YOGISTAR® einen Baum.

Strength & Grace Yoga
Optimal alignment in the asanas - in this workshop series by Barbra Noh, you'll learn to practice in a way that makes sense for your health. Part I: Spine, Neck and Shoulders

Healthy practice according to Krishnamacharya, Part 1: Prevention
Yoga according to Krishnamacharya with Stephanie Schönberger: Our new series provides a helpful conceptual understanding of the asanas - Episode 1: Pashchimatanasana and preparatory Vinyasa

Express Yoga
Energize your day: Katharina Middendorf presents a sequence of five small exercises that bring momentum into the body and into stuck thoughts and can easily be practised in between

If something goes wrong, I just laugh about it
Laughter makes people happy, is healthy and connects people. Impressions from a
Laughter yoga training and amazing facts about the effects of the joyful practice. By Julia Johannsen.

The spiritual power of no
Know and protect your limits in asana practice - and just as much in in life: Katchie Ananda shows why saying a brave no is often important is

Learning to meditate, step by step

Getting into meditation practice with guidance from Anna Trökes - 1. Episode 1: The importance of intrinsic motivation and why you can make peace with the Thought Flood with confidence

Why relaxation is so difficult
True relaxation is an advanced and conscious state that can lead to deep immersion and self-knowledge. But how does one achieve it? By Ansgar Schoeberl.

Anahata's energies in yoga practice

The connection between heart and arms in yoga: why arm and Shoulder pain, often felt after heart-opening asanas, are caused by energies that flow in the six meridians Meridians that protect the heart. By Robert Henderson.

Discover the beautiful and become happy
Neuropsychologist and meditation teacher Rick Hanson knows how to learn to open one's perception to all the wonderful things in life and to experience joy and beauty even in small things. By Doris Iding.

Making decisions that spring from the soul
Decisions should be in harmony with our inner core.
How we can make such decisions and why self-knowledge is Self-knowledge is necessary, is explained by the well-known philosopher and author Author Christoph Quarch. Interview: Nina Haisken.

The teacher does not always have to give

Yoga teacher Jaiveer Singh in conversation with Dr. Ralph Skuban: About the Importance of the ancient scriptures, the questionable role of the modern Yoga teacher
as entertainer and Patanjali's idea of dedication to a regular practice of one's own

From musician to spiritual teacher

Mario Mantese - or Master M - is a writer and wisdom teacher with a very special power to reach the heart and give it peace And give them peace. In the YOGA-AKTUELL interview, he talks about the true Meaning of wisdom. Interview: Doris Iding and Martin Frischknecht.

The doctor from India

Dr. Vasant Lad is one of the most important representatives of holistic Medicine of our time. We spoke to him about his life's journey to and with the science of healthy and happy living. Interview: Janine Schneider.

Less consumption, more being

Sriram in interview: The renowned teacher spoke to YOGA AKTUELL about the sanctity of all life and about refraining from excessive consumption. Interview: Doris Iding.

Come, let us free Sisyphus
How, through the releasing spirit of yoga, we can free ourselves from the imprisonment of the Sisyphus work and transform ourselves from "Homo busy" to "Homo bussi" through pure devotion "Homo bussi". By Uwe Haardt.

The Yantra
Complex spiritual symbols, "tools" and energy carriers: Background on the meaning, origin and application of yantras and an detailed consideration of the Shri Yantra. By Sabine Dorn-Ebert.

Mahasamadhi of a Master
When Swami Veda Bharati left his body, this was his Reunion with the essence - and yet his loving presence on earth remained Presence on earth remained. Srila Devi experienced the rites of passage after his mahasamadhi his mahasamadhi.

The Upanishads.... and the Koshas
Episode 2: The sheaths are what we are not in truth - they conceal our real self. With Annamaya-Kosha, the physical Body, we nevertheless identify ourselves particularly strongly. By Ralph Skuban.

Yoga Retreats in Andalusia
With its special flair, Andalusia attracts holidaymakers who want to who want to explore cities steeped in history and enjoy the sea. Lovingly run retreat centres ensure that yoga is also an integral part of an Andalusian trip Yoga can be an integral part of a trip to Andalusia. By Marianne Scherer.

Moon & Herbs
Insights into the magic of the moon and the specific qualities of the two upcoming full moons in August and September - plus herbal tips to help you unfold the themes of these moons in your life. By Ulla Janaschek.

Dana e.V.: A small association with a large sphere of influence

For more than 35 years, the members of DANA e.V. have been energetically for the preservation of Tibetan culture and medicine. In doing so support from the highest level. By Janine Schneider.

Sustainability projects
This time: A life for healing fragrances - Primavera in portrait. By Doris Iding.

Dates, trends and news
News from the world of yoga. By Nina Haisken.

Jackfruit - culinary insider tip from the tropics
Jackfruit is becoming more and more popular - especially in the vegetarian and vegan scene vegetarian and vegan scene. We present three creative recipes. By Janine Schneider.

Yogini encounters wilderness
The up-close experience of wind, weather and the forces of nature beyond the Of civilisation turned out to be a real challenge for the YOGA-AKTUELL columnist Iris Disse as a valuable gift Gift. By Iris Disse.

Women's Health & Pregnancy
As a holistic system of exercise, yoga also influences women's health Women's health. First scientific studies provide interesting Findings. By Cordula Interthal.

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Yoga Aktuell 111 - 04/2018 - YOGISHOP
Yoga Verlag



Strength & Grace Yoga
Optimal alignment in the asanas - in this workshop series by Barbra Noh, you'll learn to practice in a way that makes sense for your health. Part I: Spine, Neck and Shoulders

Healthy practice according to Krishnamacharya, Part 1: Prevention
Yoga according to Krishnamacharya with Stephanie Schönberger: Our new series provides a helpful conceptual understanding of the asanas - Episode 1: Pashchimatanasana and preparatory Vinyasa

Express Yoga
Energize your day: Katharina Middendorf presents a sequence of five small exercises that bring momentum into the body and into stuck thoughts and can easily be practised in between

If something goes wrong, I just laugh about it
Laughter makes people happy, is healthy and connects people. Impressions from a
Laughter yoga training and amazing facts about the effects of the joyful practice. By Julia Johannsen.

The spiritual power of no
Know and protect your limits in asana practice - and just as much in in life: Katchie Ananda shows why saying a brave no is often important is

Learning to meditate, step by step

Getting into meditation practice with guidance from Anna Trökes - 1. Episode 1: The importance of intrinsic motivation and why you can make peace with the Thought Flood with confidence

Why relaxation is so difficult
True relaxation is an advanced and conscious state that can lead to deep immersion and self-knowledge. But how does one achieve it? By Ansgar Schoeberl.

Anahata's energies in yoga practice

The connection between heart and arms in yoga: why arm and Shoulder pain, often felt after heart-opening asanas, are caused by energies that flow in the six meridians Meridians that protect the heart. By Robert Henderson.

Discover the beautiful and become happy
Neuropsychologist and meditation teacher Rick Hanson knows how to learn to open one's perception to all the wonderful things in life and to experience joy and beauty even in small things. By Doris Iding.

Making decisions that spring from the soul
Decisions should be in harmony with our inner core.
How we can make such decisions and why self-knowledge is Self-knowledge is necessary, is explained by the well-known philosopher and author Author Christoph Quarch. Interview: Nina Haisken.

The teacher does not always have to give

Yoga teacher Jaiveer Singh in conversation with Dr. Ralph Skuban: About the Importance of the ancient scriptures, the questionable role of the modern Yoga teacher
as entertainer and Patanjali's idea of dedication to a regular practice of one's own

From musician to spiritual teacher

Mario Mantese - or Master M - is a writer and wisdom teacher with a very special power to reach the heart and give it peace And give them peace. In the YOGA-AKTUELL interview, he talks about the true Meaning of wisdom. Interview: Doris Iding and Martin Frischknecht.

The doctor from India

Dr. Vasant Lad is one of the most important representatives of holistic Medicine of our time. We spoke to him about his life's journey to and with the science of healthy and happy living. Interview: Janine Schneider.

Less consumption, more being

Sriram in interview: The renowned teacher spoke to YOGA AKTUELL about the sanctity of all life and about refraining from excessive consumption. Interview: Doris Iding.

Come, let us free Sisyphus
How, through the releasing spirit of yoga, we can free ourselves from the imprisonment of the Sisyphus work and transform ourselves from "Homo busy" to "Homo bussi" through pure devotion "Homo bussi". By Uwe Haardt.

The Yantra
Complex spiritual symbols, "tools" and energy carriers: Background on the meaning, origin and application of yantras and an detailed consideration of the Shri Yantra. By Sabine Dorn-Ebert.

Mahasamadhi of a Master
When Swami Veda Bharati left his body, this was his Reunion with the essence - and yet his loving presence on earth remained Presence on earth remained. Srila Devi experienced the rites of passage after his mahasamadhi his mahasamadhi.

The Upanishads.... and the Koshas
Episode 2: The sheaths are what we are not in truth - they conceal our real self. With Annamaya-Kosha, the physical Body, we nevertheless identify ourselves particularly strongly. By Ralph Skuban.

Yoga Retreats in Andalusia
With its special flair, Andalusia attracts holidaymakers who want to who want to explore cities steeped in history and enjoy the sea. Lovingly run retreat centres ensure that yoga is also an integral part of an Andalusian trip Yoga can be an integral part of a trip to Andalusia. By Marianne Scherer.

Moon & Herbs
Insights into the magic of the moon and the specific qualities of the two upcoming full moons in August and September - plus herbal tips to help you unfold the themes of these moons in your life. By Ulla Janaschek.

Dana e.V.: A small association with a large sphere of influence

For more than 35 years, the members of DANA e.V. have been energetically for the preservation of Tibetan culture and medicine. In doing so support from the highest level. By Janine Schneider.

Sustainability projects
This time: A life for healing fragrances - Primavera in portrait. By Doris Iding.

Dates, trends and news
News from the world of yoga. By Nina Haisken.

Jackfruit - culinary insider tip from the tropics
Jackfruit is becoming more and more popular - especially in the vegetarian and vegan scene vegetarian and vegan scene. We present three creative recipes. By Janine Schneider.

Yogini encounters wilderness
The up-close experience of wind, weather and the forces of nature beyond the Of civilisation turned out to be a real challenge for the YOGA-AKTUELL columnist Iris Disse as a valuable gift Gift. By Iris Disse.

Women's Health & Pregnancy
As a holistic system of exercise, yoga also influences women's health Women's health. First scientific studies provide interesting Findings. By Cordula Interthal.

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