
SKU: 100218

The autumn issue is here: inspiring, fiery, powerful!


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The Hatha Yoga Pradipika
The contents of the important Hatha Yoga source text, presented in a concise and understandable way. This time: the third chapter - the awakening of the Kundalini. By Sukadev Volker Bretz.

Asana: Through devotion to inner flow

In this sequence with cover model Nina Heitmann you practise postures whose qualities promote a devotional attitude to life and bring you fully into your power.

Asana: Strengthening the inner fire
Diana Schöpplein demonstrates arm balances, bandhas and hip openers that bring out your inner glow.

Sense and direction in yoga practice
Yoga practice gradually shifts from the gross to the subtle. As long as one does not lose oneself in it, the physical asana practice is an important and worthwhile starting point in the process. By Ansgar Schoeberl.

Pro-Age Yoga
Apart from the difficulties that are often the focus of attention, growing older has many positive aspects. Yoga helps to experience these aspects gratefully and consciously. By Elena Lustig.

Sleep better with Thai yoga
Deep dreams - tried and tested tips and a relaxing face massage for a wonderfully restful night's sleep. By Tobias Frank.

No fear of rough edges
Young-Ho Kim on the courage to polarise and on his experiences with the Asian yoga scene, where he has star status. Interview: Nina Haisken.

Forty years of yoga

Richard Hackenberg is one of the best-known German yoga teachers. How yoga and what has inspired him on his personal path,
inspired him,
he tells us in this interview. Interview: Doris Iding.

Kirtan for a better world
Dave Stringer has long been one of the best-known mantra singers internationally Mantra singers. In the YOGA-AKTUELL interview he talks, among other things, about how Kirtan can promote empathy and peace. Interview: Marianne Scherer.

Wild Cuisine: Back to the Roots
Tips for a powerful little autumn ritual and delicious recipes from the root and herb kitchen. By Gabriele Meier.

Ayurvedic Detox in Autumn

Deacidify and relieve stress: How to get through the autumn in good health and strengthen yourself for the winter. By Kerstin Rosenberg.

Health and its indicators

How can you tell what your state of health is? Florian Palzinsky presents a checklist.

Ophthalmic herbs

How can you do something good for your eyes with plant power? Tips on Medicinal herb applications and on other simple measures for healthy
Eyes. By Irene Dalichow.

A visit to Bodhgaya
Where Siddhartha Gautama became Buddha: Impressions from the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya, which attracts countless pilgrims and is filled with a special atmosphere and is filled with a special atmosphere. By Achim Frank Schmidt.

Vedic Fire Ceremonies
The Yoga of Transformation: Insights into the Tradition of Ancient Indian Fire rituals that can have a healing effect on all levels of being. By Iris Disse.

Kali - the mother above all

Kali is regarded by many with a mixture of reverence and fear and fear. Katchie Ananda describes her as the great mother among the Goddesses, embodying the archetype of unconditional love.

The Secret of Dying

Yoga as preparation for the moment of death: a way out of fear and a help to experience the great transition peacefully and consciously. By Katharina Middendorf.

Prosperity by desire

Why manifesting material abundance doesn't work for most works: an honest look behind the wishful thinking of "Affirm Rich." By Robert Henderson.

(Acknowledge) Yourself

The desire for recognition often leads us to want to please others at all costs To please others at all costs. But life itself has wanted us to be as we are. By Dirk Hessel.

The spiritual core of the Yoga Sutra

With Sutra 1:36 into the lotus of the heart: Pandit Rajmani Tigunait on the the path to a state of carefree joy and radiant inner Glow.

The Zen of the flesh, the flesh of Zen

To remain steadfastly true to an experience of the absolute nature of being, requires a profound knowledge of the workings of the mind Conversation with OM C. Parkin.

Dates, trends and news
The latest from the yoga world. By Nina Haisken & Marita Voithofer.

Studio-wide access
On the success of the Urban Sports Club and the studio-hopping trend, which is which is also increasingly being discovered by US companies. By Julia Johannsen.

The Pranayama Effect
How breath control can be used to increase affect tolerance and the stability
of the brain: the amazing effects of pranayama in trauma therapy. By Dietmar Mitzinger.

Visit to a tantric family

Snapshot of a work of art in love: how an Indian family took the
western mistress of the husband, a teacher of traditional tantric
yoga Yoga, harmoniously integrates into the family structures. By Iris Disse.

New: The animal welfare page
This time: The suffering behind fur, wool, down and leather. By Nina Haisken.

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