Yoga Aktuell 101 - 06/2016

SKU: 100201

Find your inner light: The Christmas edition of YOGA AKTUELL gives insights into the eternal wisdom of yoga and many suggestions for practice.


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Meditation: The Heart of the Buddha
A meditation that takes you up through all the chakras - and back into the heart so you can be full of love, wisdom and compassionate power in the world. By Bhajan Noam.

Pranayama: Lengthening the Breath
Srivatsa Ramaswami, disciple of Sri T. Krishnamacharya, has been teaching for over 40 years. In our interview he explains the great importance of a regular pranayama practice. Interview: Doris Iding.

Asana: Yoga for Teens
Partner exercises are fun! Our workshop by Leila Oostendorp invites teenagers to join in.

Regulating the nervous system
What to do when you're constantly tense, nervous and exhausted? An exercise guide that, with regular practice, will help you calm the nervous system and find true relaxation. By Angelika Doerne.

I know I am immortal
Can we experience our immortality already in this life, as as Patanjali's statements about out-of-body experiences suggest? By Dr Ralph Skuban.

The Science of Kriya Yoga
For 70 years, the world-famous autobiography of a yogi has been has been published without interruption. On the occasion of this anniversary we present an excerpt from the moving work that has inspired countless spiritual seekers inspired countless spiritual seekers. Text: Paramahansa Yogananda.

The body as a gateway to spirituality
The body brings us into the here and now with its senses. In addition it stores fundamental truths about ourselves, which we can recognise and which we can recognise and appreciate through loving mindfulness. By Katchie Ananda.

The World Tree - a Primordial Symbol
The motif of the tree of life appears in Indian mythology as well as in the Edda In Indian mythology as well as in the Edda, and in the Bible as well as in the Kabbalah. What is this ancient cross-cultural symbol all about? symbol. By Dr. Manfred Ehmer.

I am enough as I am!
Anna Trökes speaks openly about the important topic of self-connectedness and about the path to authenticity that requires courage. Interview: Doris Iding.

United in differences
Lalla and Vilas Turske brought Anusara Yoga to Germany. In the Interview they talk about a practice beyond moderation and targets and about and targets and about the intrinsic goodness of the universe. Interview: Sandra von Zabiensky.

Inviting the sacred

Ravi Ravindra is a physicist, religious scholar and Sanskrit Sanskrit scholar, but above all a person who has come a long way on the spiritual path spiritual path. Doris Iding spoke with him about the Omnipresence of the sacred.

The Yoga of the Five Elements
Possibly he is the last teacher of a long tradition: Peter Clifford travels the world passing on Anahata Yoga. We asked him what is behind this style and what role the elements play in yoga Elements play in yoga. Interview: Melanie Müller.

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Dr Kausthub Desikachar in interview: Why the Hatha Yoga Pradipika was for for his father T.K.V. Desikachar and his grandfather T. Krishnamacharya and why was so important and why it is relevant for every yoga student. Interview: Evelyn Einhäuser.

The easiest way to God

With their music, Aleah Ghandharvika and Ben from the Love Keys open spaces for healing and for divine consciousness. Interview: Daniela Singhal.

My New Roots: Delicious Vegetarian Dishes for the Winter Season
Sarah Britton cooks her way through her vegetable patch on the food blog My New Roots Vegetable patch. YOGA AKTUELL spoke with the well-known blogger and presents some of her most beautiful recipes. Interview: Nicole Reese.

Release tension: Thai yoga for the shoulder and neck

Tension in the large neck muscle is a nuisance that plagues many people plague many people. The simple Thai yoga techniques in our photo gallery can provide significant provide significant relief. By Tobias Frank.

Media addiction: Om instead of On

At what point does smartphone or internet use become a problem? And what can be done about it? By Melanie Müller.

Nadi muscle therapy

Release tension, blockages and pain with a holistic form of therapy by Remo Rittiner. By Doris Iding.

Insights into the Yoga Sutra
This time: Buddhi - willpower, intelligence, intuition and wisdom. By Dr Ralph Skuban.

Shiva's sacred plants

Here you make acquaintance with some of the fascinating plants, dedicated to the god Shiva: Effects, traditional uses as Ritual plants and incense tips. By Kevin Johann.

Overcoming boundaries with yoga

Anja Behrendt teaches children's yoga in a Berlin refugee shelter.
YOGA-AKTUELL author Janine Schneider was there and experienced openness and warmth.

The ant, guardian of discipline and order

A small power animal with a big effect: The ant can support you in taking your place in a community support you in taking your place in a community and in carrying out your Work well and in order. By Doris Iding.

Happiness resides in Aruba?

Yoga under palm trees, turquoise blue sea and walks along endless Beaches: our author Jeanette Fuchs has experienced pure happiness on the Caribbean island of Aruba.

MSC in the Alps: The steep path to self-compassion

Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC): Through meditations and exercises, we learn to be we learn to deal with ourselves in a mindful and loving way. Our author Ines Bresler tried it out in the remote mountain world of the Mairatal.?

Dates, trends and news
The latest from the world of yoga.

YOGA-AKTUELL readers worldwide

This time: Winter impressions.

  • hersteller: YOGA
  • Gewicht: 0.36 kg

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Rosemarie F.

Super schönes und informatives Magazin :-))

Anne P.

Tolles Heft, warum habe ich das nicht früher bestellt:)