Yoga Aktuell 102 - 01/2017

SKU: 100202

Enjoy the first spring fever with yoga!


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Asana: Detox Flow
All-round cleaning for body and soul - with the Detox Flow you get your metabolism going Your metabolism, relieve your digestion and strengthen your core. By Nicole Reese.

With yoga nidra to the inner source of strength
Source of strength
Yogic sleep is an ancient technique that offers immense potential for Transformation. Here you will receive an introduction to the different Phases and elements of yoga-nidra. By Claudia Eva Reinig.

Asana: Yoga and the Chakras
How you can target the individual energy centres with your yoga practice energy centres with your yoga practice. The first part of the new series by Richard Hackenberg is about the Muladhara Chakra Muladhara Chakra

Pranayama: Breath Consciousness and Integral Yoga
Breath and consciousness are not only closely related to each other, they are virtually identical identical. Why it is necessary to rediscover this unity instead of forcing the breath into instead of forcing the breath into predefined paths. By Bhajan Noam.

Spontaneous Yoga - Touched by Grace
The phenomenon of spontaneous kriyas: how it is triggered, the forms of expression it takes and what deep meaning it has. By Igor Kufayev.

News about Neti
Latest Findings on this simple and refreshing yoga exercise that can help your Organism as part of the spring cleanse. From Hamsananda.

Is there something in us that is immortal? us that is immortal?
A plea for Yoga as a spiritual practice: why yoga, in its traditional meaning Has answers to the great questions of meaning in life. By Ralf Rossnagel.

The timeless Wisdom of the Bhagavad-Gita
Its Message has been interpreted in many different ways over the centuries but Krishna himself seems to be conveying in the Gita how the reader can access to its deep and universal wisdom. By Janine Schneider.

The Chakras really take seriously
It is time, to pull the chakras out of the drawer labelled "esoteric junk" pull. New models and concepts show how relevant this system is for western life western life. By Theresa Bäuerlein.

Developing harmony with your own Body
The body as a partner: How to appreciate the physical miracle in which you are at home you are at home, and develop a more loving self-image. From Antje Lindner.

Yoga in India
Yoga in its country of origin, then and now: a short look at the history of yoga and its of yoga and its development today where it all began. By Otto Stricker.

Detox Recipes: Lightness & Relief
Put an end with hibernation! Detox recipes from the book Yoga Kitchen balance the digestive organs and support the body in detoxifying support the body in detoxifying. By Nicole Reese and Iris Lange-Fricke.

Ayurveda against the winter blues
Winter blues
With simple ayurvedic measures to get you through the winter in good health and spirits. Tips from Kerstin Rosenberg.

Barefoot step by step
Walking with bare feet feet connects us directly with the earth. We can recapture this archaic Experience step by step and experience a new feeling of freedom Of freedom. By Doris Iding.

Health on everyone's lips
The oral cavity is connected to the entire body. In NAM dentistry, oral health is therefore seen in a wide Oral health is therefore seen in a far-reaching context. By Irene Dalichow.

Back to the source - Ayurveda in India
A Ayurveda cure on the coast of Kerala: Authentic healing and the forces of nature authentic healing art and the forces of nature that can be experienced up close make a trip to the Erandia Marari Ayurveda Beach Resort a special experience. By Doris Iding.

Internal freedom behind outer walls
The Importance of yoga and meditation in forensic psychiatry: YOGA-AKTUELL author Julia Johannsen found out about this topic at the YuMiG Convention in Berlin.

Discover the power of the Mudras
Swami Saradananda has been working intensively with mudras for more than ten years. On which Levels the hand gestures work and why they open a path to the attainment of the highest yoga goal Yogic goal, she explains in an interview with YOGA AKTUELL. Interview: Janine Schneider.

Meditation: The stages of immersion
The experienced Dhamma and meditation teacher Heinz Roiger explains in the YOGA-AKTUELL interview what the eight stages of contemplation Theravada Buddhism and why the deeper levels of experience require courageous require courageous letting go. Interview: Doris Iding.

Believe in yourself and walk your path
your path
David Garrigues, one of the few Pattabhi Jois certified Ashtanga yoga teachers, on making personal patterns visible in yoga practice and on Yoga practice and how everyone has something special to share with the world can. Interview: Heike Dittmers.

Shambhala - the secret world centre
World Centre
Only to the called, it is said, does the path to Shambhala reveal itself. But what secret awaits in this hidden kingdom, around which so many myths are myths entwine? By Dr Manfred Ehmer.

Mystics: One with the with the Divine
Drops of water in the vast ocean: insights into the experiences and Life stories of significant women mystics of the West. By Doris Iding.

Yoga worldwide
Yoga in Wikipedia: An international comparison of the various yoga entries. By Wilfried Huchzermeyer

Insights into the Yogasutra
This time: The light of awareness - the path to the crystal mind. By Ralf Skuban.

The Deer - Gentleness and Grace
Probably hardly any animal touches the human heart as directly as the deer As the deer. Whoever encounters it as a power animal is encouraged to do so, To integrate grace and grace into their own lives. By Doris Iding.

Dates, Trends and News
Latest from the world of yoga.

YOGA-AKTUELL readers worldwide
This time: Yoga for two.

  • hersteller: YOGA
  • Gewicht: 0.36 kg

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Diana R.


ist einen SUPER YOGA-Fachzeitschrift und zugleich eine herrliche Fort-bildungs -Massnahme zu meiner Yoga-Lehrer-Ausübung !

Vielen DANK dafür <3

Simone D.

Die Zeitung ist sehr informativ und hat alles was ich brauche.

Die Yoga Aktuell ist sehr ansprechend aufgemacht. Ich finde es auch toll, dass neuue Produke vorgestellt werden.

Andrea H.

Habe mir das Mini Abo bestellt und das aktuelle Heft als Prämie erhaöten.
Ich finde es sehr gut und freue mich auf die kommenden Ausgaben.
Klare Kaufempfehlung!