Yoga Aktuell 110 - 03/2018

SKU: 100210

YOGA AKTUELL June/July: Discover the summer issue!


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Asana: Postures for Self-Confidence and Self-confidence and relaxed confidence
With the poses from Barbra Noh's sequence, you can radiate confidence outwardly and really feel it on the inside - even with playful ease! playful ease!

Asana: Yin yoga for support and Security
Exercises on the wall with Helga Baumgartner: In this practice you create a safe inner space for yourself Space into which you can retreat in comfort on difficult days.

The four basic directions of movement in the asanas
in the asanas
Grounding, Uprightness, bending and twisting: consciously focusing more on the directions of Yoga can add precision and depth to your personal practice Depth to your personal practice. By Jörg Weißker.

Back to your own centre: relax and strengthen the Hara relax and strengthen
In Far Eastern philosophy, the Hara is considered our centre of power Philosophy as our power centre. What it is all about, here you can find out what it's all about - along with practical tips for strengthening the hara. From Tobias Frank.

Prayer - a new look, practised & reflected
Guidance for living prayer practised from the heart: prayer as a companion, Protector, friend and wise compass on the path of realisation. From Bhajan Noam.

On choosing the right spiritual teaching
Trusting one's own

On the right choice of spiritual teachings
Trusting one's own inner wisdom instead of blind obedience to others
This is what the Buddha advised in the Kalama Sutta, which Florian Palzinsky looks at in this article in this article.

The Sweet Nectar of Silence
40 days of silence in the Himalayas: a report on a transformative retreat in a lonely hut on the Ganges a lonely hut on the Ganges. By Srila.

The Mahabhutas
Earth, water, fire, air and space: knowledge of the elements leads us to a deeper understanding of nature a deeper understanding of nature and an appropriate spiritual practice Practice. By Swami Nityamuktananda Saraswati.

Matthieu Ricard: Kindness of Heart and Altruism
A altruistic attitude corresponds to our nature and can be cultivated at the same time cultivable, says the book author, scientist and Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard. By Nina Haisken.

The Move - What Letting Go really means
How we deal with the issue of letting go and what that has to do with an acceptance of Life in its full spectrum: Where do we go into resistance, and how can we dissolve it? By Dirk Hessel.

The political dimension of yoga
Can yoga also contribute to peace in the larger social and political context, Conflict resolution and understanding? By Maike Czieschowitz.

Ayurveda beyond dogma
The London-based bestselling London-based author Jasmine Hemsley shares three recipes from her new Book East by West .

The Healing Secret of the Kalari chikitsa
Kerala is not only the home of Ayurveda, but also of the martial art Kalaripayattu. From it arose a Healing art that focuses on the vital points of the human body. By Jana Tschitschke.

The musculoskeletal system: osteoporosis &.. Back Pain
Discomforts of the Musculoskeletal problems are the most widespread ailment and for many a For many people to give yoga a try. Doctors and physiotherapists are also sending more and more patients to yoga classes. What's behind it all? By Cordula Interthal.

The marigold
It it is able to heal wounds, is detoxifying and was already used by Maria Treben, Hildegard von Bingen and Sebastian Kneipp: Calendula, the marigold flower Calendula, the marigold, supports people with its gentle powers. By Irene Dalichow.

Patanjali's secret of the Pranayama
Pandit Rajmani Tigunait on pranayama in the Yoga Sutras: The spiritual follower of Swami Rama spoke to YOGA AKTUELL about the two branches of breathing techniques distinguished by Patanjali. Interview: Michael Nickel.

If you meet Buddha, kill him!
The Travel journalist Andreas Altmann has written a book about this famous advice buddha himself gave to his disciples. What he understands altmann explains in a YOGA-AKTUELL interview. Interview: Doris Iding.

Experiencing silence in the hustle and bustle
The zen nun Kankyo Tannier is a living example of how spirituality can be Spirituality can be lived in everyday life. How this is possible for everyone, she explains in this interview by Doris Iding.

Follow the path of the heart's voice
The Hamburg yoga teacher Claudia Uhrig, initiator of YOGI DAYS, tells us in the YOGA-AKTUELL interview about trusting your inner voice. Interview: Stephanie Schönberger.

Yoga Makes Love
How an the ability to consciously open the heart and to live in the field of And to live in the field of tension between love and freedom - Iris Disse about her Path with Kaula Tantra Yoga.

The Upanishads... and the Koshas
The insightful concept of the five sheaths is the focus of the new episodes of the Upanishads column by Dr Ralph Skuban.

The secret language of the forest
Trees communicate with each other in amazing ways. Insights into their "language" and some tips on how you can connect with them yourself, can be found here. By Doris Iding

Yoga in Tel Aviv
In the cosmopolitan centre of Israel, there is great enthusiasm for yoga. Insights into the spectrum of yoga on offer between beach culture and nightlife and nightlife of the Mediterranean metropolis. By Lotti Keefer.

Sustainability projects
This time: Planting trees for a better world: the children and youth initiative Plant-for-the-Planet. By Doris Iding.

Dates, trends and news
News from the yoga world. By Nina Haisken.

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