Yoga Aktuell 82 - 05/2013

SKU: 100182

Special Dossier: Karma & Destiny - The secret power behind our fate.


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Special Dossier: Karma & Fate - The Secret Power Behind Our Destiny

What is karma and how does it affect our lives? This dossier is about the secrets of fate and the doctrine of karma. In this context, we get to the bottom of many exciting questions, such as the big life question of free will and destiny. How powerful is the power of desires, and can we actually influence the course of our destiny with karma yoga? Read what our experts and authors have learned and researched on this essential subject.

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Karma, fate, predestination
According to which laws is our destiny woven? What role does karma play in this? Questions about the inner network of our existence. By Nina Haisken.

Karma Yoga
The spiritual path of everyday life: How karma yoga can shape our daily lives and fill us with deep satisfaction. By Karin Jundt.

Life is a curriculum
Wolfgang Bischoff, the founder of the German Himalayan Institute, is an expert on questions of destiny. In YOGA AKTUELL he explains that every human being comes into the world with a life mission and consciously or unconsciously seeks ways to fulfil it

Fate & Family, Destiny & Ancestors
Each of us has ancestors and a family through which our own destiny is shaped. YOGA AKTUELL spoke with Lisa Böhm, teaching therapist for system constellations, about the method of family constellations. By Doris Iding.

Healing feelings of guilt
Many people carry guilt around with them all their lives. How can one relieve oneself of this burden? By Thomas Damran Landsberg.

Karma & Reincarnation
Past life memories and insight into karmic sequences: The work of Stanislav Grof. By Doris Iding.

Wish for something ...
Is it solely up to us whether we are healthy or ill, poor or rich, happy or unhappy? And can we simply cancel old karma through wishes and positive thinking? By Doris Iding.

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