Yoga Aktuell Special No. 3 - Yoga against stress

SKU: 112040

Balance in stressful times: How to find your balance and protect yourself from burn-out thanks to yoga, Ayurveda and gentle body-mind methods, you can read in our new special issue.


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Balance in stressful times: How to find your balance and protect yourself from burnout thanks to yoga, Ayurveda and gentle body-mind methods, read in our new special issue.

Including free DVD "Yoga against stress" with Maya Fiennes

Real help for stress
In what ways does stress make its way into our lives? And what can we do about it? Introductory reflections on this SPECIAL issue. By Nina Haisken.

What exactly is stress?
In this interview, the well-known medical doctor, psychotherapist and author Rüdiger Dahlke sheds light on the background and consequences of stress and burn-out, as well as various approaches to staying strong on the inside despite external stressors. Interview: Heike Pöhlmann

Do women experience stress differently from men?
Women live in relationship worlds, men in status worlds - gender-specific differences in experiencing and dealing with stress. By Julia Johannsen.

Children have stress too
Stress already at primary school age: Every fourth primary school child feels stressed today. By Julia Johannsen.

The plague of the 21st century? Two honest accounts of experiences. By Irene and Friedrich Rehrnbeck.

Introduction to the topic of stress
Balance in stressful times: How to find your balance and protect yourself from burn-out thanks to yoga, Ayurveda and gentle body-mind methods, you can read in our new special issue.

Real help for stress
In what ways does stress make itself felt in our lives? And what can we do about it? Introductory reflections on this SPECIAL issue. By Nina Haisken.

What exactly is stress?
In this interview, the well-known medical doctor, psychotherapist and author Rüdiger Dahlke sheds light on the background and consequences of stress and burn-out, as well as various approaches to staying strong on the inside despite external stressors. Interview: Heike Pöhlmann

Do women experience stress differently than men?
Women live in relationship worlds, men in status worlds - gender-specific differences in experiencing and dealing with stress. By Julia Johannsen.

Children have stress too
Stress already at primary school age: Every fourth primary school child feels stressed today. By Julia Johannsen.

The plague of the 21st century? Two honest accounts of experiences. By Irene and Friedrich Rehrnbeck.

Relieving tension, Heal imbalances
Why does yoga have such a de-stressing effect? How can it be explain that asana practice proves so helpful time and again? - How yoga can relieve states of tension. By Thomas Berghoff.

How yoga helps against Mental level helps against stress
If you remain in the consciousness of the observer, nothing can can so quickly shake you out of your calm. By Anna Trökes.

"Yoga helps me all the time!"
Maya Fiennes is one of the world's best-known yoga teachers Yoga teachers in the world. She herself found yoga during her stressful time as a celebrated concert pianist. Today she helps other people to deal with Deal with stress. In an interview with YOGA AKTUELL, she gives numerous proven Tips. Interview: Matthias Beck.

Less can also be be more
As a yoga teacher, Sylvia Ritter is at home in both the dynamic Styles as well as Restorative Yoga. She is also a certified Yoga therapist. YOGA AKTUELL spoke with her about the potential of restorative yoga and yoga therapy Yoga and yoga therapy as stress management and the question of when the sweaty styles the sweaty styles reduce stress. Interview: Nina Haisken.

Workshop Yin Yoga
And now for the practice! Get out of stress and into relaxation Relaxation with Yin-Yoga. By Tanja Seehofer.

The power of Doing nothing
How to effectively balance stress: selected Yoga exercises and various tips on how to create small "islands" of calm in your Tranquillity in everyday life. By Sanjeev Bhanot.

Meditation & Its Effects
New culture of consciousness in a world out of joint How does meditation affect the brain and what benefits does it bring? it brings us? At the "Meditation and Science" congress, this was made clear with the help of research at the "Meditation and Science" congress. By Kirsten Gebhardt.

All in the green? In the green zone?
How to live without stress and incidentally develop the Develop the brain of a Buddha. By Doris Iding.

Whoever is mindful, has no stress
How traditional Buddhist mindfulness practice can also help us can help us immensely in today's world. By Doris Iding.

The moment counts
Han Shan, former manager, traded millions and stress for monk robes and freedom for a monk's robe and freedom. In an interview with YOGA AKTUELL, he makes it why mindfulness is the best form of stress prevention. Interview: Doris Iding.

Less stress, more Joy
Enjoying life seems to be the best way to avoid stress Easier said than done in the midst of stressful life circumstances and tormenting thoughts. But the Meditation teacher and author James Baraz would like to show how we can cultivate Cultivate joy and happiness in spite of it all. Interview: Doris Iding.

Ayurveda Home Pharmacy against stress-related diseases
Helpful tips from Ayurveda and interesting facts about the ayurvedic view of stress. By Kerstin Rosenberg.

Good oiled through stressful times
Ayurveda clinics in Germany: Here you can find extensive treatments or short getaways to say goodbye to stress. By Doris Iding.

With alpine medicinal plants against stress
Herbal medicine offers a variety of ways to alleviate the effects of stress The effects of stress. In this article we introduce you to various alpine medicinal plants as helpers against stress. By Irene Dalichow.

From the senses to.. Being with essential oils
How to use essential oils specifically and individually to Increase well-being. By Lara Vucemilovic-Geeganage.

Special problems

Stress & Sleep
Sleepless in Germany: how stress affects sleep and why and why good sleep is so important, especially for stress reduction. From Julia Johannsen.

Fast forward: Fast ways into burn-out
In the first part, the author describes how extremely people people sometimes go beyond their limits in today's working life. In the second part the so-called "brain doping" with which many people try to push their performance To push their performance. By Eva Hakes.

Various body-mind methods

Emotional Stress management
How we can already start with our perception in order to Stress and how we can develop resilience: a synthesis of the modern A synthesis of the modern findings of psychology and physiotherapy Physiotherapy and the approaches of Ayurveda and yoga. Interview: Nina Haisken.

Wholistic Methods - our tips
Relaxation on all levels: recommended methods for Stress reduction from the spectrum of the body-mind area. By Nina Haisken.

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