Yoga Aktuell Special No. 4 - Conscious nutrition

SKU: 113729

Yoga Aktuell Special No. 4 - Conscious nutrition


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YOGA AKTUELL SPEZIAL N° 4: Conscious Nutrition

incl. free DVD
, Detox Yoga with Lucia Nirmala Schmidt (48 min.) and Ayurvedic Cooking with Volker Mehl (47 min.)

The yogic nutritional teachings
About the three gunas and yogic points of view in the discussion about a recommendable diet. By Padmavati (Mag. Silvia Swoboda).

Yogic nutrition in today's world
The modern food industry and our living conditions make for significantly different conditions than those that prevailed during the emergence of yogic nutritional teachings. What can we look to for guidance today? By Sanjay També.

Basics of Ayurvedic Nutrition
Ayurvedic cuisine is no longer foreign to many Westerners, and everyone has certain associations with it. But on what principles is it actually based? The basics
of Ayurvedic dietetics at a glance. By Kerstin Rosenberg.

Cooks with love
Ayurvedic cooking course with Nicky Sitaram Sabnis at Lake Chiemsee: looking over the shoulder and into the pots with someone who knows the most important ingredient of all. By Daniela Singhal.

Bayurvedic cooking
Home Ayurvedic cooking - not a paradox, but a brilliant idea! How to implement Ayurvedic nutritional principles the Bavarian way. By Andreas Hollard.

Why vegan?
What a clear language modern scientific findings have about the health-damaging effects of animal protein and how you can vegan diet easily and enjoyably. By Rüdiger Dahlke.

Living vegan: how to make the switch

successfully Vegan cookery books in every bookshop and a strong presence of the Topic in the media - a dream come true for "vegan maker" Jumana Mattukat, who described her path to a purely plant-based diet in the book "Mami, is that vegan?". For YOGA AKTUELL she summarises the most important the most important service tips for making the switch. By Jumana Mattukat.

Vegan for Youth

Vegan superfoods and how to cook with them: delicacies from the vegan fountain of youth by star author Attila Hildmann

Are plants not sentient beings
Why a vegan diet does not automatically make us non-violent people. By Eva Wagner.

Slow Food
Biting into an apple with pleasure and knowing where the apple comes from - slow food combines enjoyment with awareness Food combines enjoyment with awareness. By Julia Johannsen.

How mindfulness melts in your mouth

The magic formula is called feasting: How to discover food in a completely new way and transform the way you eat naturally transform your diet. By Jürgen Schilling.

Eatable wild plants

Wild plants in smoothies, salads and gourmet dishes - short-term hype or sustainable trend? By Christiane Volm.

Cooking with essential oils
A pleasure not only for the nose, but also for the taste buds Taste buds: essential oils and their culinary potential. From Irene Dalichow.

Food sharing - sharing instead of throwing away!
Our "throwaway society" has lost touch with food and its value Value - an outrage in view of the many starving people in the world The world. But there are approaches to finally consume more consciously again. From Doris Iding.

Gluten-free diet and its background

More and more people are giving up gluten in their diet. What is Gluten and why do so many people now avoid it even without a diagnosis of Coeliac disease diagnosis? By Dirk Engelhardt.

The popular drug sugar
What you probably didn't know about sugar, but should definitely
know should. Why sugar is addictive, why even fructose can be can be harmful and how to recognise sugar addiction. By Joe Romanski.

The building blocks of life

Proteins and amino acids: Proteins have a shadowy existence in nutritional science, even though Although we urgently need them to live. By Joe Romanski.

Fasting and Detox


Relieved and in balance: How a comprehensive detox concept - including yoga yoga and a suitable diet - how to enjoy life free of life. By Lucia Nirmala Schmidt.

Fasting to clear the consciousness

Juice fasting and its spiritual dimension: The American Health Coach Tyler Tolman explains how to use the "rainbow diet" to clear the Chakras. Interview: Nina Schweser.

Food in focus

Chocolate & Wine

Delicious gifts of the gods: two epitomes of heavenly-earthly indulgence. By Doris Iding.


The wide world in a tiny cup: the blessed tradition of tea and a little tea lore. By Doris Iding.

Water, the elixir of life

Water is a central basis of life and an amazing Remedy. Important facts about the fascinating element. By Doris Iding.

Nutritional forms

An overview of nutritional styles

We present the most important dietary styles that are currently in vogue are currently in vogue or will soon be in vogue. Perhaps there is one or other one you have never heard of. By Julia Johannsen.

plus: short interviews
Experts on nutrition and much more.

  • hersteller: YOGA
  • Gewicht: 0.36 kg

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Nicola K.

Ich habe das Heft zufällig in die Hände bekommen und habe es direkt 4 Mal nachbestellt, um es meinen Freundinnen zu schenken. Sie waren alle begeistert. Ich kann es nur empfehlen.