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In the category "Comfort yoga mats" we have put together our our particularly comfortable mat models for you. These Yoga mats are particularly pleasant and comfortable for a variety of reasons make sure that you feel comfortable during your yoga practice.

What distinguishes a Comfort yoga mat?

When it comes to a yoga mat, there are several criteria that promise promise special comfort. What the respective practitioner perceives as particularly comfortable, pleasant and convenient always depends on the individual personal needs and preferences individual personal needs and preferences. Here is a brief Overview of various aspects that can stand for special comfort, i.e. for a Comfort yoga mat:

  • good cushioning/comfortable suspension due to more thickness and through dense cell structure
  • large dimensions for more space
  • pleasant material, especially skin-friendly surface
  • light weight for easy transport
  • high slip resistance for safe handling or for a reliable reliable grip in all asanas, even with sweat

Treat yourself to more: a Comfort yoga mat supports your asana practice

When practising asana, you should feel safe and comfortable and not be distracted by anything. That's why a comfort yoga mat is a good choice A good choice and a sensible investment. Find your favourite mat among the Comfort mat models...

Our No. 1 comfort yoga mat: the yogimat pro

The yoga mat yogimat pro is a true comfort yoga mat, as it has a remarkably dense cell structure, which provides a great feeling and very good cushioning. Last but not least, due to its very high, reliable slip resistance, this yoga mat offers a high level of comfort. The yogimat pro is also a particularly environmentally friendly model, because the innovative TPE foam is organically decomposable and does not produce any harmful substances in the pollutants in the manufacturing process. The yogimat pro comfort yoga mat has long been one of the most the most popular mats in the range. This model is available in various beautiful colour combinations and, by the way, also available with edging.

Comfort thanks to TPE foam: More info on the material

The material of the yogimat pro comfort yoga mat is hypo-allergenic. This comfort yoga mat does not contain PVC, latex or rubber Latex or rubber and also no related substances. Therefore it is also suitable for allergy sufferers allergy sufferers. As its dense cell structure prevents the absorption of perspiration or other other liquids, the yogimat pro comfort yoga mat is easy to keep clean easy to keep clean. The environmental friendliness of the yogimat pro comfort yoga mat yogimat pro begins with the manufacturing process, because the by-products are By-products are recycled to conserve resources. The mat itself is also recyclable. Otherwise it blends harmoniously into the cycle of nature Nature: Under the influence of heat and pressure (e.g. under The TPE cells decompose over time and all that remains behind is nothing remains but toxin-free water and elements that evaporate into the air. When it comes to slip resistance, the yogimat pro comfort yoga mat is also at the forefront! among the best! Thanks to its specially designed cell structure, it offers an extremely reliable grip and provides stability in all asanas.

Light as a feather and super-comfortable thanks to microfibre: the yogimat light is a comfort yoga mat par excellence

An entirely different comfort yoga mat, but no less deserving of the title, is the light yoga mat title is the yogamat yogimat light.This yogamat has a surface made of microfibre, which feels extremely comfortable on the skin feels extremely comfortable on the skin and has a high slip resistance, especially when Offers a high level of slip resistance, especially when exposed to moisture. For the The non-slip underside, i.e. the good grip of this comfort yoga mat, is also taken care of. In addition to its almost cotton-like skin feel, which is particularly which is particularly appreciated by many practitioners, the light weight of this Weight of this comfort yoga mat is also a great advantage, because it can be transported can be transported without any problems - whether to the yoga studio, the yoga festival, the retreat retreat, to a yoga session with friends, etc. If you often travel with your yoga mat yoga mat will not want to miss this advantage! Conclusion: The Yogimat light comfort yoga mat offers several great features at once at once.

The soft Comfort yoga mat: enjoy extra-good cushioning with the yogimat soft

Extra-good cushioning has a lot going for it - and exactly this kind of extra comfort with the yogimat soft. It is thicker than than other yoga mats and is therefore easier on the joints because it cushions more. It is therefore a real comfort yoga mat.

More comfort through more space: the yogimat basic XXL

Having more space for you to practise is a small luxury is a small luxury. You can enjoy this comfort when you choose the the yogimat basic XXL. This comfort yoga mat with its with its generous width and length, is a giant among the mat models. By the way, this kind of king-size comfort yoga mat is not only practical yogis and yoginis, but also for events where the yoga classes are very Yoga classes are very busy and mats lie close together: When you use with the yogimat basic XXL, you automatically secure a somewhat larger place space where you can move more freely without your arms and legs immediately colliding with your collide with those of the person next to you. A large comfort yoga mat like the yogimat basic XXL can therefore prove very useful time and time again.

The comfort mat for pilates practice or for mega-cushioning during yoga: the yogimat basic Pilates

As is well known, Pilates mats differ from yoga mats among other things, in that they are significantly thicker. Like the comfort yoga mat yogimat soft, Pilates mats also offer comfortable cushioning and protect your protect your joints by providing a wonderfully soft cushioning. For those who prefer Comfort yoga mat is looking for an ultra-cushioning, soft mat, you can also a Pilates mat as well

Quality is also Comfort!

All yoga mats in the YOGISHOP range could basically be described as comfort mats YOGISHOP as comfort yoga mats, because we are of the opinion that quality also means comfort quality also means comfort. And high quality is a characteristic that all yoga mats in our range have in common!

Comfort yoga mats and comfort service

Not only your comfort yoga mat from the YOGISHOP yoga mat from the YOGISHOP promises you a certain extra - the special feel-good factor but also our customer service offers a big plus. No matter which type of Yoga mat (or any other product from our wide selection of yoga and related yoga and related topics) or about which product you have a question, our Question, our customer service is always happy to help: fast, friendly and competent. The ordering process in our webshop is also is simple, clear and convenient. And don't forget: the speedy delivery Your comfort yoga mat and the other yoga products you ordered directly to your door or Yoga products directly to your door or to the address of your choice.

Your comfort yoga mat Comfort yoga mat is waiting for you

You can find more information about the different comfort yoga mats in the individual product descriptions... Do you already have your favourite in mind? We hope you have fun choosing!


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