What is so special about the Yogimat sun yoga mat?

  • The yogimat sun consists of an innovative natural rubber Natural rubber material that is super-slip-resistant and absolutely ecological. Even even in the most demanding yoga styles, this natural yoga mat inspires with its excellent slip resistance.
  • In addition to the unique material, the generous dimensions are also an advantage of this model: this mat is extra-long, extra-wide and extra-thick, extra-wide and extra-thick - which means you simply get more for your money!
  • The colours of the yogimat sun are particularly brightly and are simply a joy.

Of course, the yogimat sun yoga mat is certified and ecologically sustainable

  • certified according to OEKO-TEX® 100, class 1, the highest standard (harmlessness in contact with skin according to the Baby Products Standard) - 2012OK0503 AITEX
  • free from chemicals and Harmful substances

Learn about the yogimat sun yoga mat in detail

yogimat sun is an optimised version of the natural rubber mats Natural rubber mats. It is made of a special natural rubber, which does not produce any unwanted by-products unwanted by-products are produced. This special natural rubber is probably the most innovative and and most advanced variant of natural rubber, an absolutely ecological and pollutant-free material! This means that the yogimat sun yoga mat meets even the highest highest standards of safety.

The Material of the yogimat sun is also characterised by the very highest Slip resistance and is therefore not only excellent from an environmental excellent, but also a particularly good choice for practice. The yogimat sun is non-slip enough for even the most demanding yoga styles - even at the end of the class, of course even at the end of the class, when a lot of sweat has flowed. The yogimat sun yogimat is recommended for yogis who have a very advanced practice or who are yogis who have or are aiming for a very advanced practice, and of course to all those who that there was still room for improvement in terms of slip resistance. No matter whether in static asanas or in Vinyasa styles with dynamic flows, the Yogimat sun has proven itself everywhere. Test for yourself how reliable this mat is, and you will definitely be thrilled.

The generous dimensions of the yogimat sun are also a literally huge Dimensions of the yogimat sun: Here you get more length, width and Thickness! A whole 200 cm x 65 cm x 4 mm... these are dimensions to be proud of. In spite of its comfortable size, the yogimat sun is very comfortable thanks to the special composition of different rubber materials Rubber and latex layers, the yogimat sun is relatively light - another plus point another plus point.

The yogimat sun is also suitable for yoga studios. Especially for those who want to stand out in terms of quality and provide practitioners with a special yoga experience. Because: a good stand is essential for the enjoyment of the practice. And the yogimat sun with its open cell structure offers this in an almost unsurpassed way. Although - depending on the stress and intensity of the exercises - traces of natural wear and tear may appear, this does not affect the practice. Rather, it is a quality feature. Because: where there is no wear, there is no grip.

As the yogimat sun is made of natural material, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long Exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. We therefore recommend storing it in a yoga mat bag!
The yogimat sun is suitable for the washing machine. In fAQs we have compiled some tips for cleaning. Also in hygiene, the yogimat sun offers great practical advantages.

The yogimat sun is a wonderful yoga mat for all those who want a special yoga mat and have high Yogamat and have very high expectations of their mat.

With its rich, bright colours and large dimensions, the yogimat sun impresses with its beautiful appearance and maximum comfort. Although the yogimat sun is Relatively new in the range compared to many other models, it is already one of the most it is already one of the most popular mats and has met with an immensely positive response positive response. Our customers love the yogimat sun and give us feedback again and again feedback that underlines the uniqueness of this yoga mat. The yogimat sun is a yoga mat that is immediately recognisable for its high quality. You can also feel the quality in every asana. Head for the sun with the yogimat sun!

What makes YOGISTAR so popular with so many yoginis and yogis so popular?

  • YOGISTAR distinguishes itself as a specialist in Yoga equipment through competence and many years of experience.
  • Ecological aspects play just as important a role in Play just as important a role in production as functionality and Practicality. In addition to innovative materials, stylish designs are also are also a trademark of YOGISTAR.
  • YOGISTAR always develops its products close to the the scene and takes into account the special requirements of different yoga styles.

FAQs: the most frequently asked Questions about your new yogimat sun

  • Can I use wash the yogimat sun? If so, how?
    We recommend washing the mat either by hand with cold water or in the Machine at a maximum of 30 degrees with a mild detergent. Please do not spin dry and do not use fabric softener! Then wrap the mat in wrap the mat in a thick terry towel and squeeze out the water. Finally, hang the Hang up the mat to dry.
Entire description

Natural rubber
Machine 30°
100% Natural Rubber
Suitable bag
yogibag basic zip cotton big, yogibag basic zip cotton big plus
Suitable for allergic
Slip resistance
For studios
Natural rubber, OEKO-TEX, Vegan
2.1 kg
200 cm
65 cm
0.4 cm
Sale yogishop-saleflag-after
Reduced from 14,90 € from 13,90 €
inkl. 19% VAT
Sale yogishop-saleflag-after
basic (22.5 x 12 x 7.4cm)
big (22.5 x 15 x 7.5cm)
supers. (22.5 x 15 x 10cm)
from 10,50 €
inkl. 19% VAT
Reviews for Yoga mat yogimat® sun - 4mm
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Note: For the following reviews, we have taken technical and manual measures to verify that the reviews actually come from customers who have purchased or used the goods.

Sandra writes:
Very puristic mat with excellent grip and great feel. I don't find it to have an unpleasant smell and I'm very sensitive.
Unfortunately, dust and fluff also stick to it, but that doesn't bother me.
I can't believe I've trained on other mats for so long. I wouldn't use any other mat again.
Patricia writes:
The mat is absolutely non-slip. 4 mm is perfect for me. I bought a yellow mat. The colour is great. But super sensitive to dirt. Nevertheless, I will buy the mat again if I need it. I will then take a darker..
Sabrina writes:
I love this mat. No slipping! The smell goes away very quickly. The light colour is of course prone to dirt, but it still makes me happy. And it is also easy to clean.
Ingeborg writes:
super non-slip yoga mat. The yellow is a beautiful bright yellow. I am very satisfied and can recommend this mat. The inherent smell is not unpleasant and disappears quickly.
Susanna writes:
The yogimat sun yoga mat is perfectly non-slip! The only unpleasant point is that the non-slip surface makes dust really stick.
Lisa writes:
Very strong grip, the mat almost sticks a little, but also with dust, lint, hair....
Unfortunately, I find the smell of the mat quite unpleasant, so it's going back.
Anke writes:
Super mat!
It is very non-slip, even when it gets warm. The material attracts a little dirt, but this is probably due to the non-slip material. Now, after a few years, there is a grey haze on the dark mat, but it is not so noticeable and it is still non-slip. I would buy it again, but the mat lasts, lasts, lasts.... .
Daniela writes:
I tried a few mats before I finally found the right one. I have been practising Ashtanga yoga for half a year and can only recommend this mat! I previously had a thin mat on which I slipped when I sweated a lot. In addition, the mat did not stay in place and "bent". On the Sun 4mm I no longer slip and it lies firmly on the floor. I first thought about ordering the 6 mm Sun because of the better cushioning. But then I didn't and I am very happy with this decision. I think the 4 mm is ideal for me. I think I just don't need any extra cushioning. Of course, if you have problems, that's something else.
Alexandr writes:
The mat is worth every penny. Sticks like a bomb. No slipping even after an hour of practice. It has a little smell of its own, but you hardly notice it after a short airing, and if it does, it's not squirmy, not like some plastic parts. The length of the mat (2m) convinced me and turned out to be very practical. I no longer have to constantly check where I am on the mat. I leave a foot length free at the front and thus have an optimal position for all exercises so far. I chose it in the colour graphite. Nice rich colour. Gets a little bit off. I simply wipe off white spots after skin contact and any remaining dust and hair with a damp cloth. So much for that. I am very satisfied and can only recommend this mat.
Aygül writes:
My mat: 4 mm and the colour "plum". Super yoga mat, great slip resistance. The mat has a strong smell, but I put it on the balcony to air it out. It gets better from day to day.
The mat attracts dust and lint, so you have to clean it after every use, even if you don't sweat that much.
Miriam writes:
The best yoga mat I've ever had. As I have very sweaty hands, I never had enough grip until now. It's different with this mat, I have a super good grip on this mat and I recommend it
Marco writes:
Aloha, that was a good tip :)
For all those who sweat a lot, on this mat you hardly slip at all.
Tanja writes:
The mat was delivered quickly.
So far I have only tested it at home in the living room, but it makes a really good impression. Almost nothing slips.
It just seems to be a little sensitive to dirt. My husband walked right over it with his slippers and you could see the marks very clearly.
Angelina writes:
The best mat I have ever seen!!! I am chubby. A mat has to be slip-proof because I sweat quickly and therefore slip with my hands. And this mat is a dream - nothing slips at all. A big contrast to many other mats. It's a bit thin, so if you have hard floors or sensitive joints, put something under the mat.
Rossana writes:
Super mat, good cushionin, very stable, not too sticky, kind on the skin. It takes a short time to let the natural gum smell go (for those who mind about that) and it tends to get a bit dirty with skin cells when you start to use it, but all of this is quickly overcome. A high quality mat, to be recommended.
Annika writes:
Finally a REALLY non-slip mat! I can practice the downward dog in a completely different way since I got this mat. It's almost a bit like sticking to the surface, which gives security and super grip. Highly recommended!
Julianhe writes:
very nice mat, super good hold. the smell was not noticeable for me
Susanne writes:
The mat is great, I already have one with 6mm for my permanent "yoga place", now I wanted a slightly lighter one for the trips to my classes. There are many travel mats that are even lighter, but none of them come close to this one in terms of slip resistance. Another positive thing is that the unpleasant smell that almost every mat has at the beginning disappears completely after a short time. I only hung it on the terrace for a day to air it out and now it's almost gone. I know from the other mat that it is completely odourless within a few days. What I recommend is a light colour, because with the dark ones you have to clean a lot, even if your feet are clean, it just leaves white marks. I found the grey very beautiful... great product!
Christine writes:
THE perfect mat for me. I have all thicknesses, from Travel to 4 mm to 6 mm.
If the 4 mm was available in XXL width, I would also buy it.
Christine writes:
For me, this is THE perfect non-slip mat. I tested other mats that were unfortunately not as non-slip. Now I have the Sun in 4 mm, 6 mm and as Travel :-)
I would recommend it at any time and buy it again.
Unfortunately, the Sun is only available in the standard width. As XXL I would even buy them again in 4 mm and probably also as "Travel" !!!!
Natascha writes:
I can only agree with my predecessors.
A great mat, very good grip, beautiful colour. I think it is also very suitable for Bikram yoga. I sprayed the mat with an organic yoga mat cleaner - Fresh Lavender and aired it with the window open. The smell was gone after a few hours. If the smell of lavender is too intense for you, I can only recommend the unobtrusive scent Fresh Orange.
What I personally wouldn't do is put the mat in the washing machine. Wiping it down with water and a mild detergent should be enough. Afterwards you take a shower anyway ;-)
Tadas writes:
Superb Mat. Best grip i ever experienced.
Eva-Maria writes:
Great yoga mat, I finally found the right one!
When I do yoga, my hands get sweaty and I always slipped on my old mat. It was very annoying.
With the Yoga sun it's great, you have a really good grip.
Ellen writes:
I am very satisfied, great slip resistance! I find the smell normal, it just smells like a new mat.....
The only disadvantage: not only do you have a great grip, but also dust and fluff...
Carolin writes:
Super non-slip mat! I hung it in the fresh air for 2 days after receiving it and the smell was gone. I am very satisfied. The mat is also nice and firm, so it gives good support for balance positions.
Julia writes:
The mat is my first yoga mat, so I don't have anything to compare it with. But I can say one thing after trying it for the first time:
The mat is really non-slip, hands and feet stay absolutely where you put them. The 4mm are very comfortable and soft and the smell is discreet and not unpleasant.
Even as a yoga beginner, the non-slip properties make it a good investment; the exercises are three times as much fun when the floor doesn't constantly come closer centimetre by centimetre when the dog is looking down ;-)
Jana writes:
I have been looking for a yoga mat that doesn't slip for years. I have the problem that I always get sweaty palms and feet when practising yoga, and the yoga mat sun 4mm helps me a lot. I am totally satisfied with the non-slip properties and the fact that it is a natural mat. Unfortunately, the rubber still smells very strong, but I think the smell will go away after a few weeks.
Emilia writes:
Great mat, very non-slip and stable. I am positively surprised.
Katharina writes:
Super nice mat! Has exactly the right length and is super non-slip. Very good price-performance ratio!
Should hang in the fresh air before use.
Stefan writes:
Quick and competent advice

The mat is great, it alone meets my requirements:
- highest slip resistance despite sweating
- the smell is pleasant (Öko-Text 100 standard)
- the balance exercises can be carried out excellently
- despite the low thickness the lying feeling is very good

I am completely happy and would not want to do without the mat.
Diane writes:
Wonderful, that makes it even more fun
Doris writes:
Finally a mat that sticks to the floor very well and on which I have a great grip despite sweaty hands. The mat thickness is perfectly adequate for me. Absolutely no unpleasant smell. Purchase process without any problems. Very fast delivery. I can only recommend!
M writes:
Very heavy, but super non-slip. The mat and I will have to get to know each other. I think it was the right decision.

Namaste *)
Jeanne writes:
First unpacking with a small question mark, because unfamiliar, but already after an acclimatisation session absolute favourite, super grip, not too soft and in the fresh green a pleasant point of light and exactly my mat!
Marion writes:
I tried the mat for the first time today, one week after receiving it. In this time, it has almost lost its own smell, and I don't find it annoying, as it is a natural odour. I was surprised by the perfect slip resistance, my previous mat was much more slippery and I was also able to slide into some exercises, that is not possible with this one, it is completely dull, which I appreciate especially in the "dog". The dirt also sticks well, but in the studio it should actually always be clean. I am now looking forward to the bag that I ordered later.
Martina writes:
The mat is great. It could be a little thicker for sensitive noses. And the smell takes some getting used to for sensitive noses. But all in all, it is super non-slip and I am very satisfied.
Nadine writes:
I agree with the positive reviews here! Slip resistance is great, the smell is contained and dissipates quickly (you have to be with the nose on the mat to find it annoying) and now after a few days, it is gone! The delivery was fast, as always! This is "only" my third mat, but so far the best ?
Angela writes:
finally a mat that doesn't slip around and the size is also optimal
Ernst writes:
It took a little getting used to at first because of the extraordinarily strong adhesion, but now I'm quite satisfied. I'm curious to see how the mat will wash in the washing machine.

Nadine writes:
This mat is finally absolutely non-slip, yet has a very pleasant contact surface and rolls up quickly. So what some people here are extremely sensitive about the alleged smell....so I really have to laugh. One day behind the house in the fresh air and everything was fine.
Perfect mat. TOP!
Nadine writes:
The mat is super. Absolutely non-slip and very pleasant. So what some here complain about the smell, I find very strongly exaggerated...once had a day outside and the smell was gone. Nobody can be that sensitive ;-) Never had a better mat before. TOP!!!
Anja writes:
Great mat, super non-slip. I immediately ordered the travel mat as well. The smell is a bit unpleasant, but I think that will pass
Mila writes:
The colour is not quite as pictured, it is more of a turquoise than a light blue, which I personally like even better.
I have no problems at all with the smell, the strong smell that you notice when unpacking the mat disappears very quickly.
The mat is absolutely non-slip and offers really good support for all asanas. However, this also means that in asanas where you have to slide a little and correct to find your comfortable position, you have some difficulties, because the non-slip surface makes you "stick" to the mat a little.
Of course, the mat is a bit heavier because it is made of rubber and not vinyl. But it lies securely and firmly on the floor.
You should order the mat in rather light colours. With darker colours, the mats always look a bit dirty because they attract dust and lint due to the non-slip surface.
Anne writes:
super non-slip, I also find the colour very nice, but the dust and dirt also sticks quite well and the smell is really very unpleasant - I don't know yet if it will go away completely, it's still there after a good week!!!! Smells somehow like rubber tyres.
Hermann writes:
The mat is the best I've had so far. It is pleasantly thin and very non-slip, just right for Ashtanga yoga.
Cerstin writes:
FINALLY a mat that is really non-slip. Colour as pictured, smell didn't bother me. A bit heavy, but I was told that during the great advice on the phone :-)
Antje writes:
Finally a mat that really deserves to be called "non-slip". The smell when I unpacked it disappeared after a week of airing.
Heidi writes:
Super mat, excellent slip resistance. I can recommend this product!
Dagmar writes:
I am thrilled with the mat, super non-slip, the asanas can be performed perfectly, the quality is top and also the smell after unpacking was gone within 2 days.
Sylvie writes:
Great mat, super non-slip. I like it better than most of the mats in the yoga schools.
However, when I unpacked it, it had a very strong smell. After a little airing, the smell is hardly present and no longer bothers me.
eva writes:
super matte - i love it, thank you very much !
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